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Our Privacy Policy

At Thermoblue, our users are the most valuable asset, and so are your data. Therefore, we use this to state our intentions to guarantee a responsible, fair and lawful use of your data.

Information to users

The visit to this website does not imply that the user is obliged to provide any information. In the event that the user provides any personal information, the data collected on this website will be treated in a fair and lawful manner, subject at all times to the principles and rights set forth in Organic Law 15/1999, of 13 December, of Personal Data Protection (LOPD), and other development regulations.

  • Marketing Actions: In accordance with the provisions of Organic Law 15/1999 of December 13, Protection of Personal Data, we inform you that the data provided by participating in the different marketing actions will be incorporated into files owned by Thermoblue with the purpose of participating in the concrete promotional actions. In addition, Thermoblue may use such data to inform future promotions, offers and other commercial actions. Personal data are used by Thermoblue in accordance with the requirements of Law 15/1999, of December 13, on the protection of personal data. 
  • Contact Form and Thermoblue Support Center: In accordance with the provisions of Organic Law 15/1999 of December 13, on the Protection of Personal Data, we inform you that the email provided will be incorporated in a file owned by Thermoblue with The purpose of managing the Thermoblue support center and contact with the customer via ticket. 


By submitting the forms, we understand that the user consents to the processing of the data according to the purposes foreseen in each of the forms. Thermoblue will not communicate the data to third parties except in the cases legally established or authorized by the interested party. Thermoblue informs the data owners of their intention to send commercial communications by electronic mail or by any other equivalent means of electronic communication. Likewise, the holders declare to know this intention and give their express consent for the receipt of said communications. The consent here provided by the Owner for the communication of data to third parties is revocable at all times, without retroactive effect.

Rights of the interested parties

The interested party can exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition in relation to their personal data by writing and attaching a photocopy of the ID card through our form or the email address

Quality of data

The users must guarantee the veracity, accuracy, authenticity and validity of the personal data collected to them.

Protection of minors

We do not collect personal information of minors. It is the responsibility of the parent / legal guardian to ensure the privacy of the children, making every effort to ensure that they have authorized the collection and use of the child's personal data.

Social networks

Through our website you can access to the Facebook, Twitter or Youtube social networks which are of open access to all users. These are websites where the user can register and follow us for free. In these social networks users will be able to know about our activities, opinions, and also accessing to photos and videos. Users of these social networks should be aware that these sites are independent of the web and they are open and visible to all its users, and the privacy policies to apply to these contents are that which are fixed by Facebook, Twitter or Youtube. Themoblue is not the owner of these social networks.

Collection of information aimed to web improvements

To improve our services we are continuously analyzing the Thermoblue website and the correct navigation of the user. This information will be confidential and will only be used to improve the security and functioning of our website.